Candy Chan
Candy Chan is a registered architect and urban designer who brings her unique background and skills to the role of designer at Urban Quotient.
Candy spent her early career specializing in high-rise residential and retail design, and later transitioned to urban design. With a keen interest in mass transit and way-finding, she launched Project Subway NYC in the summer of 2015. A personal project, “Project Subway NYC” is a home to her intricate 3D visualizations of the city's subway stations, with an ongoing collection of trivia, sketches, and photographs. The project has since evolved into a thesis on infrastructure, urbanism and visual communication, Through her work with Project Subway, Candy has developed research in spatial awareness, spatial intelligence, and the future of cities.
Prior to joining Urban Quotient, Candy has worked at Sam Schwartz Engineering, Michael Neumann Architecture, Handel Architects, and Davis Brody Bond Architects and Planners.
The Urban Quotient Team
We love design. No matter the budget or constraints, we find joy in exploring qualities of space, fine-tuning a great construction detail, manipulating the quality of light, or finding physical form for the values and ideals of the organizations we serve. Our core team is dedicated, experienced, nimble, and efficient - working closely together on all the firm’s projects.